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Web Security/webhacking.kr

[Webhacking.kr] old-10


This problem is in webhacking.kr.
URL: https://webhacking.kr/challenge/code-1//

If you enter the URL, you can see the below photo.


First, View Source

<title>Challenge 10</title>

<hr style=height:100;background:brown;>
<table border=0 width=1800 style=background:gray>
<a id=hackme style="position:relative;left:0;top:0" onclick="this.style.left=parseInt(this.style.left,10)+1+'px';if(this.style.left=='1600px')this.href='?go='+this.style.left" onmouseover=this.innerHTML='yOu' onmouseout=this.innerHTML='O'>O</a><br>
<font style="position:relative;left:1600;top:0" color=gold>|<br>|<br>|<br>|<br>Goal</font>
<hr style=height:100;background:brown;>

The HTML of the page is composed like this. If you look closely at this code, you can look at this.


This code is included in a tag. In addition, you can know that the ID of A tag is "hackme".
Thus, we should change the value of "this.style.left" to '1600px'.

To manipulate it opens the developer tool window.


Then, Modify the code like this.



After modifying like this, click 'O' of the page.
Then, you can get to the point of problem 10.


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