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Web Security/webhacking.kr

[Webhacking.kr] old-11


This problem is in webhacking.kr.
URL: https://webhacking.kr/challenge/code-2//

If you enter the URL, you can see the below photo.


First, View Source

If you look at the code, you can see this part.

  else echo("<h2>Wrong</h2>");

You can know that you can solve the problem if the value of $val sent through "Get Method" is the same as the $pat.
Let's analyze the code.


[1-3][a-f]{5}: (1~3)(the five characters among (a~f)) 

*$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]: [Your IP Address] (More than 0)

IP link: https://www.findip.kr//

*\tp\ta\ts\ts/: (\t == %09) (More than 0)

Thus, we can manipulate the value of $val like below through this.

$val = 1abcde_[Your IP]%09p%09a%09s%09s   

If you enter the URL like this, you can solve the problem.

https://webhacking.kr/challenge/code-2/?val=1abcde_[Your IP]%09p%09a%09s%09s   


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