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Web Security/webhacking.kr

[Webhacking.kr] old-18


This problem is in webhacking.kr.
URL: https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-32//

If you enter the URL, you can see the below photo.


First, View Source

If you look at the code, you can see this part.

  $db = dbconnect();
  if(preg_match("/ |\/|\(|\)|\||&|select|from|0x/i",$_GET['no'])) exit("no hack");
  $result = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($db,"select id from chall18 where id='guest' and no=$_GET[no]")); // admin's no = 2

  if($result['id']=="guest") echo "hi guest";
    echo "hi admin!";

Second, Filter a roundabout way (필터 우회)

"/ |\/|\(|\)|\||&|select|from|0x/i"  

Filter: ( '/', '(', ')', '', '&', "select", "from" etc..)

Thrid, SQL Injection

OR Operation

1. True | True = True 
2. True | False = True 
3. False | True = True 
4. False | False = False 

AND Operation

1. True & True = True 
2. True & False = False 
3. False & True = False 
4. False & False = False 

If the result['id'] is "admin", the problem is solved.
To get it, we should manipulate "select id from chall18 where id='guest' and no=$_GET[no]".

Let's think about it. (id='guest' and no=$_GET[no] == False OR no == 2)
Then, the ID will have an "admin".
If the query statement is made like this, What will happen?

"select id from chall18 where id='guest' and no=0 or no=2".

Then, (id='guest' and no=0) was False, so the query becomes "select id from chall18 where no=2".

Like below photo. (Just TEST)


(TEST Table)


Through this, you can enter the value of "no".

Solution: 0%09or%09no=2 ("%09": Tab (URL Encoding))


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